Professor & Researcher


Doctor of Laws (Ph.D. in Law). 

Post Doctor at the Munich Center for Technology and Society of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). 

Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Partner at Demarest Advogados on Data Protection, Cybersecurity and Intellectual Property.

Senior Fellow at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung / KAS in Germany, on the European and International Cooperation Program for Global Innovation Policy, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.

Professor Doctor of Law and Technology and Intellectual Property at FGV Law School (Getulio Vargas Foundation), IBMEC and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) in Brazil. Invited Professor of Internet of things at the Portuguese Catholic University and Digital Rights Advisor at Lisbon University.

President of the National Institute for Data Protection in Brazil.

Associate Researcher and Senior Consultant on Digital Rights at LATAM Digital Center in Mexico.

Associate Professor and Senior Consultant at Institute CESAR and Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI) on Data Protection, Digital Democracy, Internet of Things, Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence.

Senior Fellow / Visiting Researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin (Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft – HIIG) (2017).

Coordinator of the Institute for Internet and Society of Rio de Janeiro – ITS Rio (2017-2019).

Researcher and Project Leader at FGV Law School (Getulio Vargas Foundation) in the Center for Technology & Society (2010-2017).

Author of the books “The Internet of Things” (A Internet das Coisas, 2018), “Among Data and Robots: Ethics and Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (Entre Dados e Robôs: Ética e Privacidade na Era da Inteligência Artificial, 2019), “Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean” (2017), “Present Horizon: Technology and Society in Debate” (Horizonte Presente, Tecnologia e Sociedade em Debate, 2018) and “Connected Democracy” (Democracia Conectada, 2014).

Associated Researcher at the Law Schools Global League and Member of the Global Network of Internet & Society Research Centers. Member of German-Portuguese Law Association (Tagung der Deutsch-Lusitanischen Juristenvereinigung).

Ph.D. in Law and Master of Science (M.Sc. / Master of Philosophy – M.Phil. in Law) in Constitutional Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) with a thesis on Digital Democracy, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence through the lenses of Privacy Protection and Ethics. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), with academic exchange at the University of Coimbra and Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3.

Coordinator of the Project “Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean”, alongside with prestigious Latin American organizations (2012-2017).

Coordinator of Creative Commons Brazil and Access to Knowledge Project (2012-2017).

Lawyer and founding Partner of the Law Firm “Magrani e Pragmácio Advogados“.

Project Lead Researcher, acting actively on Internet regulation, Digital Rights, Data Protection, Artificial Intelligence, and Intellectual Property fields for more than ten years, Magrani was also one of the developers of Brazil’s first comprehensive Internet legislation: Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights (“Marco Civil da Internet”).


Doctor of Laws (Ph.D).

Post Doctor at the Munich Center for Technology & Society of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) on Data Protection and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

Senior Consultant at CCA Law Firm on TMT in Portugal.

Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (BKC) at Harvard University.

Co-Developer of Brazil’s first comprehensive Internet legislation: Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights (“Marco Civil da Internet”).

Partner at Demarest Advogados, head of “Privacy, Technology & Cybersecurity” and “Intellectual Property & Innovation” areas.

Advisor and Consultant for the development of National Strategy Plans for Artificial Intelligence on Germany and Latin America.

President of the National Institute for Data Protection in Brazil.

Senior Fellow at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung/KAS on the European and International Cooperation team for Global Innovation Policy, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence and Coordinator for strategic projects on the development of Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the public sector in Brazil.

Professor of Law & Technology and Intellectual Property at FGV Law School, IBMEC and PUC-Rio in Brazil. Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal, teaching the modules “Big Data & Law”, “Law in a Digital Economy” and “Internet of Things”.

Associate Researcher at LATAM Digital Center in Mexico. Fellow at Humboldt University in Berlin at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (2017).

Coordinator of the Institute for Internet and Society of Rio de Janeiro – ITS Rio (2017-2019). Researcher and Project Leader at FGV in the Center for Technology & Society (2010-2017).

Coordinator of Creative Commons Brazil and the project Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean, alongside Latin American organizations (2012-2017).

Lawyer and Policy expert on Data Protection, Internet regulation, Digital Rights, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property fields.

Author of the books “Connected Democracy” (Democracia Conectada), “The Internet of Things” (A Internet das Coisas) and “Among Data and Robots: Ethics and Privacy in the Era of Hyperconnectivity” (Entre Dados e Robôs: Ética e Privacidade na Era da Hiperconectividade).

Book highlight

Digital Rights: Latam & the Caribbean, livro de Eduardo Magrani
Digital Rights: Latam & the Caribbean, livro de Eduardo Magrani
Digital Rights

Digital Rights: LatAm & the Caribbean

The Internet is a decentralized global network that makes communication, information and learning easier. Basic democratic practices, such as discussing matters of public interest and participating in the political process, will be increasingly related to the digital world. This publication presents an overview of the most relevant issues in the area of Digital Law in Latin American countries, as a result of the Project “Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean”, an International Newsletter coordinated in Brazil by Professor and Researcher of FGV, Eduardo Magrani. The project emerged in 2012 as an initiative of leading Latin American think tanks working on issues related to Internet regulation and governance interested in consolidating human rights in the digital world. The regulation of net neutrality, the regulation of copyright and the responsibility of intermediaries, restrictions on freedom of expression by electronic means and data protection policies are some of the themes that can be found in this work of selected articles. Being informed about these subjects is a fundamental requirement for promoting dialogue and consensus around these issues. This publication is intended to be a useful tool for a broad community of stakeholders interested in the Digital Law landscape in Latin America.

Digital Rights

Digital Rights: LatAm & the Caribbean

The Internet is a decentralized global network that makes communication, information and learning easier. Basic democratic practices, such as discussing matters of public interest and participating in the political process, will be increasingly related to the digital world. This publication presents an overview of the most relevant issues in the area of Digital Law in Latin American countries, as a result of the Project “Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean”, an International Newsletter coordinated in Brazil by Professor and Researcher of FGV, Eduardo Magrani. The project emerged in 2012 as an initiative of leading Latin American think tanks working on issues related to Internet regulation and governance interested in consolidating human rights in the digital world. The regulation of net neutrality, the regulation of copyright and the responsibility of intermediaries, restrictions on freedom of expression by electronic means and data protection policies are some of the themes that can be found in this work of selected articles. Being informed about these subjects is a fundamental requirement for promoting dialogue and consensus around these issues. This publication is intended to be a useful tool for a broad community of stakeholders interested in the Digital Law landscape in Latin America.

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Digital Rights

Digital Rights: LatAm & the Caribbean

The Internet is a decentralized global network that makes communication, information and learning easier. Basic democratic practices, such as discussing matters of public interest and participating in the political process, will be increasingly related to the digital world. This publication presents an overview of the most relevant issues in the area of Digital Law in Latin American countries, as a result of the Project “Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean”, an International Newsletter coordinated in Brazil by Professor and Researcher of FGV, Eduardo Magrani.

Digital Rights

Digital Rights: LatAm & the Caribbean

The Internet is a decentralized global network that makes communication, information and learning easier. Basic democratic practices, such as discussing matters of public interest and participating in the political process, will be increasingly related to the digital world. This publication presents an overview of the most relevant issues in the area of Digital Law in Latin American countries, as a result of the Project “Digital Rights: Latin America and the Caribbean”, an International Newsletter coordinated in Brazil by Professor and Researcher of FGV, Eduardo Magrani.

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Eduardo Magrani no programa Sem Censura
Eduardo Magrani no programa Sem Censura
Eduardo Magrani - Morning Show - 25/07/18
Mais Você | Privacidade e Internet com Eduardo Magrani
Rio em Foco: Avanços tecnológicos podem causar mudanças nos postos de trabalho
Eduardo Magrani no programa Sem Censura
Bate-papo FGV: Ciberataques e segurança da internet, com Eduardo Magrani
Sem Censura - Debate sobre o Big Data com Eduardo Magrani
Eduardo Magrani | Inteligência Artificial | Brazil Legal Symposium at Harvard Law School 2019
Direitos Autorais na Era Digital.
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