[Article] We Are Big Data: New Technologies and Personal Data Management

*Published on CYBERLAW by CIJIC edição n.º 5 Introduction Technology has advanced rapidly and contributed to improve the way we live. In addition to interfering with how individuals act, it changes the way people relate to each other, to business, and to government. The many changes emphasize the need to give importance to the individual and … Read more

[Book] Digital rights: Latin America and the Caribbean

The Internet is a decentralized global network that makes communication, information and learning easier. Basic democratic practices, such as discussing matters of public interest and participating in the political process, will be increasingly related to the digital world. This publication presents an overview of the most relevant issues in the area of Digital Law in … Read more


Besieged public sphere Eduardo Magrani

The combination of digital technology and the Internet infrastructure resulted in a medium with huge democratic potential. Adding up new architectural features, the Internet enables multidirectional communication, instant response, expanded possibilities of discourse and debate. Nevertheless, such potential can considerably diminish, depending on how technology layers on top of the infrastructure are built, permitting more … Read more

Digital natives & Policy making: Thoughts on participation

Digital Natives Eduardo Magrani

In the digital world, different types of digital devices have become vital tools to register events and news. However, more importantly, they are being used by digital natives to share information about their world, their personal lives, and also to foster participation around public interest issues. In the later, technologies are used to transform a … Read more